So I've been thinking... it's a wild thought, but I like telling stories, but some weeks I just don't have anything worth talking about. I like to try and at least post something here twice a week, but I like them to be long and worthwhile.... So I've been wondering, and I want your opinions, if I should maybe post the story I've been writing?
I really like to write, my only problem is that I thrive on opinions from other people. When no one comments or gives feedback... I get discouraged and just don't feel like writing. I'm weird.
So I've got several stories I can put up here in little snippets. Some are star wars based, several are original... just give me your thoughts. I might write something entirely original... like Maniacle Writing Mondays where I write a small 700 word piece. We'll just have to see.
Well I'm off for the day, and that means the weekend starts. I'm looking forward to having a quiet, calm, relaxing... what the hell am I talking about? I'm going to party tonight so I've got to get ready!! Enjoy your weekend people!
Yay Story time!
some people say its conflict that defines us as a species
I tend to agree with that to a degree
but what you feel and what others feel is the conflict in this situation
I enjoyed my weekend, I went to my fathers, he had a BBQ
an actual BBQ with a smoker and some pork and other sides
people often confuse grilling and BBQ
BBQ is slow and low, grilling is hot and fast (not sex, food)
I tried a new beer but I didn't like it, it was this micro brew from a state adjacent to mine, but I was proud for trying new things
you are a very pleasant person and I will quest to provide you with more "feedback"
but with my recent developments that may not be possible
you will understand more if you see my latest post