Just like James Brown...
I jest, but anyhow... the new season for my work starts yet again... we near the cold and flu times and the times when everyone and their mother comes in for stuff that I never even want to talk about. It's time for STD seminars and the plethora of patients and morons that come with it.
Sigh, other that that I'm really looking forward to it. My yearly mark is coming up and I'll be hoping for a raise yet again. I've spent so much time at this job, but it seems like I'm... stuck in the same place continuously. I want to do something new and exciting, but I'm also a creature of comfort. I'll never be happy doing boring stuff, yet I don't want to find another job because this one pays well.
So I'm looking for my next big adventure... I'm thinking japan or spain... one of the two.
Time to save money!! WHOO! I'm going with a friend to see Julie $ Julia or whatever that cooking movie is... expect a review later.
Good to hear you've got a raise coming up, and even better to hear that you've got a new adventure coming up!
Oh, and I've been a-voting on your artwork :)
Awesome!! I'm hoping to be finished with this new piece shortly... we'll see