Ok... there are several types of people in the world, but for the topic of today's new's post... we're going to clarify three types of people: the pansy, the asshole, and the moron...
Asshole - the type of person who will make plans with you, and then for no apparent reason (other than he just felt like it) decideds that the plans he made with you aren't worth sticking to and he changes them. Why? Because he is an asshole and he cannot help it... or he could help it but he doesn't want to... because he is an asshole. Things must always be HIS way and you cannot fight the regime otherwise you are "trying to be controlling".
Pansy - the type of person who makes plans with you and then lets someone else decide for him... that the plans you made with him aren't good enough and that he should do something else. This person has no backbone and is the human equivalent of an invertabrate... no one can give him a spine because he is too weak to accept the required surgery. He has no will of his own and is easily manipulated and controlled... and easily pushed around. He will fuck you over without even knowing it.
Moron - the kind of person who makes plans with you and then... for some reason known only to god... either forgets that he made them or forgets what the plans are. No miraculous act will help his memory because he is too far gone. The years of drinking have killed off all major brain functions and his remaining cells are cowering in fear in the dark recesses of his troubled brain (which was the size of a walnut to begin with). He cannot help fucking you over because his thought process is about as good a that of a goldfish: reliable for one lap around the fish bowl.
Now taking into account these three types of people... my friend and I were supposed to eat food last night, yes? Well he begged me to get off work and come see him and keep him from mass murdering all the people that came into his job. (he works retail) I, being a nice person at times, got off work and went to see him. He wanted me to stay until he got off... and we could go straight to get food from there.
The man didn't get off for another 4 hours...
Yeah. I know... who sticks around bored for four hours? Apparently I do... I'm too nice at times. It won't ever happen again... this was the FIRST and the LAST. Anyhow... I'm sitting around and he's just being a pissy person, so I take it upon myself to liven the store up. His coworker thinks I'm amazing... we hit it off, I play some games on his iPhone... and it's gets wild. I throw this wierd yellow cleaning goop around (it looks like snot colored silly putty) and it's all fine... except that my friends is still being pissy. He ignores me... and then he goes off when it's time to close in order to go do another employee's job for them?
Thirty minutes pass after we were supposed to leave and the restaurant I wanted to go to closes in an hour... I was getting pissed. So I call him up and he's doing a sale... a long difficult sale that he started with 10 minutes till closing. Well I tore into him... I told him that you don't do that shit. IF a customer comes in that late, you politely ask them to come back tomorrow. Trust me. They will come back if they really want it. Anyhow he told me that 1) I didn't know what I was talking about and 2) he had no control over it.
He's THE FREAKING MANAGER!! That puts him in charge! Which I told him. He needs to delegate his employees and control sales... that's what he's there for. Well he just sighed and hung up on me. WORD OF WARNING: > you never NEVER never hang up on a crazy redhead < I looked at his coworker... who had been off for thirty minutes and could have gone home (but the darling twenty year old was "keeping me company" as he put it)... but he didn't. I asked him if he wanted food. He said "sure". So we walked down to where my friend was and I asked him, "Are you going to fix this and let's go?"
He said, "Look I DO have a job and you need to stop coming by and trying to fuck it up."
The asshole asked me to come by! I drew the line there. I did what any decently and pissed off person would do... or what I would do when decently pissed off.
I punched him in the throat and left. I got food with his coworker and said thanks when he paid... and then I took the boy home. I went home... and I didn't answer any of my friends calls. Why? Because he is an asshole!! He also had a moronic moment... but mostly he is an asshole!
Word of the day: Management - an excuse to do an age old thing... put the asshole in charge. Managers are normally people who don't know anything about what they are doing, but they are so certain that that should be in charge, that they can never take helpful criticism or advice. They will go mad with power and try to create their own little Emperor Palpatine domain within their store. You will hate them... it's in the nature of the common person.
im probably the moron type...
Well... admiting it is the first step towards recovery. XD