I like shopping... I really do. I wish I had enough money to pay for all the things that I want, but unfortunately I have expensive tastes.
Anyways... I've been broke for the past two weeks because I went on several vacations in June. I went on a cruise and then I went to San Antonio for a week in order to see some friends and then watch a Broadway musical in the Queen's box seats. It was all a blast, but my pocketbook now suffers because of it.
In order to save my sanity and my sorrow... I decided to go window shopping today. I basically went into every clothing store and tried on things that I'd want. I found a perfect shirt... but no money. I found a pair of pants that made my ass look perfect... no money. I went to look at corsets: no money. The same to be said of shoes, undergarments, accessories, leggings... I found so much stuff that was perfect... but the same problem: no money. I've used all my funds for this month and I have to wait until the 15th rolls around and I get the new kickover.
Thus every time I walked into a shop... I got really giddy and hopeful about finding something... and when I found it: BAM! It was disheartening.
However, I know where all my money is going for the next month! BWAHA!
You should try saving it next time. then you won't be as poor as me.
I prefer having pretty things... money is nice but things that I can wear are nicer. Sigh... I just hate having to wait for money.